What woman doesn’t want to look and feel completely amazing?!
In 3 months, you can transform your body and feel more energy,
look better in your clothes, get your nutrition on track so your body can work the way it’s supposed to!
Are you ready to finally get in that bikini…..and ROCK IT?!
Bikini’s aren’t just for 20-something year olds!
Let’s get that body rockin’ and turn some heads at the beach!
Have you ever dreamed of being on stage to compete in natural bodybuilding?? Even just once?!
I started my journey as a natural bodybuilder in my early 50’s, I lost 40 pounds, I transformed my body in 10 months in this journey, I lost 40 pounds and stepped on stage.. that’s where I won my first place in a bikini competition and third place in the figure competition. Interestingly 6 weeks later I won first place in the figure competition and third place in the bikini competition in Sacramento, CA competition.
In most of my competitions, I’ve placed in the top 3 categories… in my mid 50’s I competed and won against twenty+, thirty+, and forty+ years old women. I got qualified as second place in the regional competition which qualified me for the International natural bodybuilding Olympia, where I won 6th! place against 22 competitors.
I have the experience, knowledge, and drive to coach you, train you, push you to placing high in competition!
Premium Nutrition is the KEY to Lifestyle and Fitness Transformation!
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Have you ever dreamed of being on stage to compete in bodybuilding?? Even just once?!
In all my competitions, I’ve placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd…except for Nationals where I took 6th!! In the Nation!! As a 56 year old, I’ve competed AND WON against women in their 20s and 30s!
I have the experience, knowledge, and drive to coach you, train you, push you to placing high in competition!